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Aoyuan Group"s “Aoyuan Commercial All Set in 2014” Key Commercial Flagship Project Products Promotion Event

Aoyuan Group"s "Aoyuan Commercial All Set in 2014" Key Commercial Flagship Project Products Promotion Event

(12 November 2013——Guangzhou)Aoyuan Group Aoyuan"s key commercial flagship project products promotion event named "Aoyuan Commercial All Set in 2014" was held at the International Convention Center of the Guangzhou Aoyuan Golf Hotel. More than 300 people, including leaders of Aoyuan Group, major media in the country, VIP businesses and businesses and quality property owners, attended the event to share the fruitful results of Aoyuan Commercial. They also witnessed the kick-off of the Aoyuan"s Charming Stars Concert and New Beginning of Commercial Path in 2014. The blueprint of Aoyuan"s commercial projects was unfolded.

Clear strategy that lays out the business positioning blueprint 
On 11th November, according to the results announced by China Aoyuan Property Group Limited, the Group"s accumulated amount of contract sales as at 10th November has exceeded 90% of the annual sales target. According to the projection of the Group"s available stock and sales up to year end, the Group adjusted the annual target of contract sales in 2013, raising it from RMB 7.5 billion to RMB 8.5 billion. Speeding up with clear development strategy and target, Aoyuan entered into the first important stage of fast development period with a 3-year plan from 2013 to 2015. Up to now, Aoyuan"s 4 key commercial projects have started according to their sequence. The projects have different characteristics that complement each other and are in good progress. 
Aoyuan Beyond Era is the core hub of Chinese express railway ——the first real estate project at the central axis of Guangzhou South Station core business district. Phase I apartments and street shops were all sold in 2 hours on day of launch. It became another investment property project that was sold out within the day of launch this year, increasing confidence for subsequent phases. The project is 500 metres away from the Eastern exit of Guangzhou South Station, located above metro Line 2. The project"s GFA is approximately 180,000 square metres. The project planned 5 pioneering high-end functions including branded merchandise exhibition hall, creative studio, high-end business club house, private resort apartments and first-class business rental apartments. The project can fully meet the diverse needs of the market, making it the best long-term commercial and residential investment for corporate asset-planning and private investments. Phase II"s upgraded innovative LOFT apartments are expected to launch by the end of the year. 
Being the future center of the city, Aoyuan City Landmark is currently the largest commercial property project at the Guangzhou axis. On 2 November, the sale of 3 street shops above metro of Aoyuan City Landmark Phase II was launched. About 100 shops were purchased within merely 1 hour, becoming another legend in the industry with it being sold out within an hour of launch after Aoyuan Beyond Era"s launch. The project has gained the title of "chief axis hub SOHO" LOFT apartments. With a mature location, transport and other ancillary facilities, the project is in the lead as the most valuable investment. The sales of the first phase will be launched in late November and is expected to bring about a new round of frenzy in investment market.
Aoyuan Kangwei Plaza is the joint effort of Aoyuan Group and Kangwei Group. It is a government key construction project which is positioned as the "Dynamic Capital of the East" with a total area of 530,000 square metres. The project is relying on the two metro hub of East Guangzhou and is an experiential format of "six major themes district with one super engine" which integrated hotel, office building and shopping center. The project creatively fused theme districts with regional cultural features and filled the vacancy of commercial property in East Guangzhou. The project will be developed into the largest city complex in East Guangzhou, the new masterpiece of Guangzhou commercial property and the city landmark of Zengcheng and collectively become the complex and experiential capital of East Guangzhou combining the seven elements of "food and beverage, leisure and entertainment, shopping, residential and exhibition".
Luogang Aoyuan Plaza is another impressive strategic footprint in Guangzhou East. It is also another urban complex investment in Guangzhou by Aoyuan Group. The project will plan approximately 212,000 sq. m. for business and approximately 88,000 sq. m. for high-quality residential units. Relying on the unique location and advantages of regional transport, the project is fully integrated with the characteristics elements of style, urban and living. Reasonably connecting streets with metro, the core feature of urban composite living is highlighted. A large-scale composite urban complex project is created in central Luogang that serves shopping, leisure, entertainment, restaurants, business and commercial and residential purposes. 
2013 is the first year of Aoyuan"s rapid development phase/period. It is a critical year for the Group"s goal towards the status of "Wanda in the North and Aoyuan in the South" in commercial property market. It is also a year in which Aoyuan continued to strive and delivered.

Balanced grow with expansion in commercial real estate 
In September 2013, Aoyuan Commercial Group was established. The professional capability of Aoyuan"s commercial operation and the management model of the team and operation were comprehensively upgraded. Implementation of new concepts in the sales of commercial property effectively promotes the development of Aoyuan Commercial. Aoyuan Commercial Group is entirely responsible for Aoyuan Group"s merchandising of different projects and operation management. The 8 core functions of merchant recruitment, marketing planning, operation management, construction and property management, investment development, hotel management, administration and personnel and financial management, and various commercial property management companies and hotel management companies are under Aoyuan Commercial. 
As the core operation and management body of Aoyuan Group"s commercial strategy, Aoyuan Commercial Group will be responsible for tenant seeking, operation and property management duties in coordinate with the commercial site selection, positioning, business pattern planning and business design of Aoyuan, in order to consolidate the commercial investment attracting resource, property selling and leasing resource and property management resource of Aoyuan Group to provide comprehensive and one-stop service covering the whole process and realize the preservation and appreciation of assets value which will establish a platform of mutual benefit for customers, shops, property owners and shareholders. The professional competence of Aoyuan Group in commercial development and operation, continuous upgrade of team and operational management model enable Aoyuan Group to have insight into the development trend of commercial property, grasp the pulse of urban commercial development and urban consumer life and lead the new mode of commercial development, which laid a solid foundation for our leapfrog development.
In 2012, "Guangzhou Panyu Aoyuan Plaza", the first actual shopping centre of Aoyuan Group, commenced its operation successfully. The Guangzhou Panyu Aoyuan Plaza is the first actual international shopping center in the history of commercial development in Panyu, Guangzhou and is a large-scale integrated commercial project invested and built by Aoyuan Group in accordance with the development strategy of establishing a modern industrial system and livable urban and rural areas of Panyu District Government, at the same time, the plaza is included in the "ten billion key construction project" supported by government of Panyu District, Guangzhou. The project created a number of records including over 95% shop opening rate in 2 years from development to commercial operation with famous international fashion brand such as H&M and Zara opened their shops in one shopping center in Guangzhou for the first time and nearly a hundred renowned brands contracted for their presence in the project. The successful development of the project ended the absence of large-scale high-ended shopping mall in South Guangzhou, became a shining landmark of Pearl River Delta"s commercial development and leaded the comprehensive upgrade of local commercial development. As a successful case of Aoyuan"s commercial complex development, Aoyuan Plaza is well recognized by our clients and will be gradually promoted to the whole of China. Currently, Aoyuan is planning for commercial project in various cities such as Guangzhou, Jiangmen, Shenyang, Chongqing and Zhuzhou. In our plan, Aoyuan Group will focus on creating featured projects such as "experiential commercial pattern", "experiential commercial service" and "health/tourism commercial" to realize the simultaneous growth of commercial and residential property in the future 3 years.
Aoyuan insists on the concept of "property sales supplemented by self-owned" to develop in the five core economic circles including Pearl River Delta, mid-western region and the Bohai Rim and covers core cities such as Guangzhou, Shenyang and Chongqing. According to statistics, the number of commercial projects developed by Aoyuan up to now is 18 with commercial area of over 2.8 million square meters. Large-scale commercial projects of Aoyuan includes Guangzhou Panyu Aoyuan Plaza, Guangzhou Aoyuan City Landmark, Jiangmen Aoyuan·Yicheng International Plaza, Shenyang Aoyuan Convention Plaza, Guangzhou Metropolitan Plaza, Guangzhou Aoyuan International Center, Chongqing City Plaza and Zhuzhou Aoyuan Plaza.

Rewarding investors for our growth in value
After years of development, Aoyuan Group has won various awards and titles such as "China Top 100 Real Estate Enterprises", "Top 10 Real Estate Enterprises in Guangzhou", "China Enterprise with Strongest Brand Power in the Industry" and "Real Estate Enterprise with most development value". In September, Aoyuan Group was ranked fifth in "2013 Top 10 Real Estate Enterprises with most Brand Value in South China" which showed Aoyuan Group"s success in doubling its brand value in 2 years and become a "blue-chip" real estate enterprise. These honors reflected Aoyuan Group"s improvement in operation level and management level and its successful strategy of simultaneous development of commercial and residential properties. In June this year, Aoyuan held strategic conference of Aoyuan commercial properties named "New Commercial Properties Forum", presenting the unique features of Aoyuan"s commercial brand and successfully established Aoyuan Alliance, which gathers a group of outstanding companies. Aoyuan Alliance provides a strong support for building Group"s future commercial brand image and the sales of commercial projects.
In the "Aoyuan Commercial All Set in 2014", Aoyuan"s key commercial flagship project products promotion event, Aoyuan Group will introduce the "Aoyuan Double Investment Plan" to provide investors with 360 degree quality assets allocation scheme. Apart from price concessions and property management fees exemption, the asset package scheme included real estate services such as lease agency, management agency and operation, which could achieve reasonable allocation, optimization and appreciation of assets for our customers, assist individual investors to draw on each other"s strength and benefit from the rapid realization of "resonance" development of commercial complex.
In the event, Aoyuan Group announced the kick-off of a series of reward activities including "Aoyuan"s Charming Voice" singers selection and "Aoyuan Commercial All Set" Aoyuan"s Charming Stars concert for partners and investors who have been supportive to and walked with Aoyuan for many years. Then, investors can follow the corporate culture and experience the unique charm of Aoyuan.
"After constant development and positioning in commercial property for 2 years, Aoyuan Group has a grand business target to become an indispensable force in commerce in Guangzhou, attaining the status ‘Wanda in the North and Aoyuan in the South", "said the person-in-charge of Aoyuan Commercial Group.