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Grand opening of the Lake View Experience Centre of Foshan Aoyuan Central Parkview
(15 February 2014 — Foshan)The grand opening of the Foshan Aoyuan Central Parkview sales centre - the first project of China Aoyuan Property Group Limited in Foshan attracted the visit of a few thousands visits that day, compliments were received from the general public about the project regarding its strong brand strengths, rare lakeshore resources, convenience transportation and superb quality of the property. 
Early in the morning on that day, a long queue of private cars already lined up outside the sales centre. The sales office was packed with people, the visitors kept praising the nice design of whole sales centre, saying that it was one of the sales centres with the best decoration quality in Foshan district at present, they were highly confident about the future planning and quality of construction of the whole property. Besides, during the period of this opening activity, Foshan AoyuanCentral Parkview also held the Foshan Aoyuan Central Parkview Lion Dance New Year Performance Contest”activity together with Joint Luohu Community Resident Committee, Luo Village Cultural Development Committee and Guangzhou Cultural Sector Development Promotion Association. Drums and gongs were beat in the venue. The designs of the lions were elegant, their postures were realistic, their gesture was naughty and vivid, and lion dancers made very difficult movements with the help of high poles, the residences shouted and jumped for joy and clapped hands loudly.
In this opening activity, the 4 model flats with deluxe decoration were launched in the project, namely 2 bedrooms, 1 living room and 3 bedrooms, 1 living room of 77~130 sq.m. As for the design of the units, the most beautiful butterfly design is adopted, there are 4-flats-2-staircases, air current from north to south, each flat has adjoining flats on one side only, the view and luminosity of each flat have been fully taken into consideration, the design allows as much as possible those flats close to the lake to enjoy both lake view and garden view, ensures a comfortable life to the fullest extent. The N+1 design is adopted for the type of flat, each flat type is given a flexible and variable space. The property has high value added and is very flexible, it features designs with individuality, the flat types are divided into dynamic and quiet zones, the efficiency of the flats is high due to its rectangular layout, it is a rare luxury apartment along the first-tier lake at the centre of Foshan, Guangdong.
 As the top real estate property at the centre of Foshan, Guangdong, Foshan Aoyuan Central Parkview shows good quality in the areas of the overall scale, construction design, creation of gardens and property management, it has drawn the eyeballs of both Foshan and Guangzhou, it is believed that it will become a quality benchmark project along the lake at the centre of Foshan, Guangdong in 2014.