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Yang-Strengthening and Anti-aging Nansha Aoyuan Health City Builds A Healthy Life With Depth
(1 July 2014——Guangzhou)The two major wellness projects of yang-strengthening and anti-aging, which were contracted with Nansha Aoyuan Health City earlier, have begun trial operation and are sought after among international guests. 

International anti-aging project attracts international guests 
“Ruigang Internationa” specializes in the promotion and collaboration of beauty technology. The company combines high-end projects such as anti-aging beauty, skincare products and overseas medical care. With the expert team of doctorate qualifications as its backbone and the safeguard of world-leading bio-technology, the company is at the international forefront of health and beauty. Since the trial run of its office at Nansha Aoyuan Health Hotel on 3 June, hundreds of enquiry calls have been received from beauty enthusiasts from countries including France, Italy, Germany, USA and Thailand and experts and scholars who hope for exchange and collaboration. The person-in-charge of Ruigang International expressed the gratitude for the platform provided by Aoyuan Commercial Group. The organization began its official operation on 28 June and is expected to introduce advanced technology and equipment to provide leading anti-aging service of higher quality. 

Renowned Chinese medical practitioner at professional Chinese Medical Centre of 1,350 square metres 
As it can be seen on site, it only took 1 month for Aoyuan Commercial Group to join forces with the Inheritance Base of research on Yang-strengthening medicine under the China Association of Chinese Medicine and built a professional Chinese Medical Centre of 1,350 square metres——Huo Shen Men Chinese Medical Centre. Besides having renowned Chinese medical practitioners in house for consultation for 8 hours a day, this Chinese Medical Centre located in Nansha Aoyuan Health Hotel also has comprehensive equipment and facilities. It is as professional as various A grade Chinese medical hospitals. Customers can easily complete a series wellness and yang-strengthening items in Chinese medicine such as consultation, acupuncture and Tui Na.

The Chinese Medical Centre is known to be currently in trial operation. Its operation is expected to officially begin on 6 July. It will have the capacity of serving more than 10,000 guests per year. 
