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Chongqing Aoyuan City Plaza breaks sales record again
(21 June 2014—Chongqing)On 21 June, the first phase of residential units and retail shops of Chongqing Aoyuan City Plaza were launched with great anticipation. Almost a thousand buyers from Nanan District, Jiangbei District, Yuzhong District and Banan District were drawn. In less than 2 hours after the launch, the limited number of residential units and retail shops launched for Aoyuan City Plaza became the best selling project in a single day in the property market of Chayuan New District in 2014, making an unprecedented record in sales!
At 8am on the day of launch, there were long queues of vehicles at Chongqing Aoyuan City Plaza and the two sides of the road. Customers from various locations rushed to register early on for selecting units and gradually entered and waited at the selection area. At 9:30am, the launching ceremony officially began. There were almost a thousand customers and completely packed on site, forming quite an impressive view. During the selection of units, the atmosphere was exceptionally heated but everything was conducted orderly. All the staff were fully occupied and the customers were eagerly waiting. According to sources, street stores near light rail, high rises of central blocks and city-centre park apartments were in popular demand. Some customers bought more than 20 retail shops in one purchase. 
Street stores near light rail, high rises of central blocks and city-centre park apartments were first introduced in this launch of Chongqing Aoyuan City Plaza. Among which, street stores with construction area of 50-150㎡ enjoys a height per level of 5.1m on the first level. They also come with a large amount of free space, getting two levels with the price of one level. High rises of central blocks with useable area of 53-77㎡ have layout classical design, strong functionality and practicality and flexibility which results in extra large free space. City-centre park apartments construction area of 88-122㎡ with windows facing the north and south, a reasonable layout, complete functions and flexibility which allows an extra high free space rate. Property owners can enjoy quality life anytime. 
Chongqing Aoyuan City Plaza occupies the core hinterland of Chayuan, neighbouring the Nanan District Administrative Centre. The largest public housing area in Chongqing, Homes in the City South, of over 2 million square metres is located to its East. It is close to the largest integrated interchange hub, occupying the centre of Chayuan. The project is rooted in residential consumer groups of Aoyuan City Plaza【high rises of central blocks】and【city-centre park apartments】 and radiates to the resident population in at least 1.5 km on the periphery, including mega customer cluster for many enterprise, schools, hospitals, nurseries and pure residence projects. As many brands show a strong intention to move in, popularity will quickly gathered and heat up the atmosphere of the commercial circle, forming the core of Chayuan’s prosperity. Relying on Aoyuan’s experience in commercial real estate operation for numerous years, together with a professional team service and geographical advantage of the project, it is hopeful that the project can become a dark horse in the commercial real estate of Chuyuan New District in 2014.