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Aoyuan Commercial delivered its excellence in the China commercial property ceremony
  (22 September 2014---Beijing) On 22 September 2014, 12th Annual Conference of Mall China International Symposium & 2014 Asia-Pacific Commercial Real Estate Trade Fair was launched in Beijing which is considered to be the grand ceremony for the China commercial property sector every year. Invited by the organizers, Aoyuan Commercial Group attended the ceremony and was awarded with several prizes for its projects. 

  600 elites witnessed the achievements made by "Aoyuan Commercial"
  Upon several assessments conducted by Mall China over a few months, the results for the year were finally announced. The organizers invited over 100 renowned institutions from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan and over 400 main stream commercial property developers, shopping center operators, retail brands and professional service institutions in China. It is estimated that over 600 elites and professions came to Beijing to witness the splendid award presentation for the projects. 
  The Aoyuan"s commercial property projects delivered their excellence: Guangzhou Aoyuan Plaza, together with the established commercial property groups namely Vanke, Kingkey and SCP won the 2014 community shopping center awards. Leveraging on its passions in community service and construction of the community shopping center model, Guangzhou Aoyuan Plaza has been offering services to hundreds of thousands of residents over the past year. In addition to the increasing customer flow, both local and international well-known brands also highly appreciated the project. A dozen of well-known brands took the initiatives to join the project and enter Panyu due to the outstanding performance of Guangzhou Aoyuan Plaza. As such, Aoyuan Plaza was reported as "the first real shopping center in Panyu" by the media. 
  Guangzhou Aoyuan City Plaza was awarded "2014 urban promotion award". Situated at Hanxi-Changlong section, the new axis core in Guangzhou, City Plaza is the large-scale experiential integrated commercial complex developed by Aoyuan Group with billion investments spent as well as the major project of Panyu district government. City Plaza will directly accelerate the growth of another CBD, namely "Hanxi-Changlong-Wanbo CBD", and drive the local commercial development. The experts of Mall China are also optimistic to the development of the project. 

  The dialogue about the future and prospects with the authority and elites
  On 23-24 September, the symposium included topics like global environment, financial and asset management, big data and operation. Leveraging on its professional aspects, the summit attracted the attention of local and overseas commercial property developers and shopping center operators. 
  The management of Aoyuan Commercial Group attended the conference and conducted discussions one after another with experts and peers from various places. In particularly, Mr. Miao Sihua, the assistant to the president of Aoyuan Group and the president of Aoyuan Commercial Group, made several assumptions and arguments in connection with "the policy of the positioning of future shopping center projects". The speech of Mr. Miao broadened the thinking of participants and gave rise to a 50-minute heated debate over the topic. Meanwhile, Mr. Miao used this opportunity to describe the future planning of Aoyuan Commercial to the experts and peers which gained the recognition of the experts in the industry. 

  Aoyuan Plaza won the 2014 community shopping center award presented by Mall China
  Numerous elites in the industry visited the booth of Aoyuan Commercial Group and showed their recognition to Aoyuan Commercial