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Chairman of the board Guo Zi-wen hosting and convening the annual meeting for reporting on the work of Aoyuan Group
  (22 January 2015 - Guangzhou)  To summarize the work results of the whole 2014 and deploy key tasks for 2015, on 21 and 22 January 2015 China Aoyuan Property Group Limited held the annual meeting for reporting on the work of the headquarters, senior management of the group such as  chairman of the board Guo Zi-wen, president Guo Zi-ning, CEO Yang Zhong, CFO Zhong Ping as well as the person-in-charge of each business centre of the headquarters attended the meeting.  

  During the meeting, the leaders of the group commented on the overall work of the group in 2014 and the contents of report on work of each business centre, they approved their results, pointed out their weaknesses, and conducted frank and pragmatic discussion on the business and management of the group and the problems in the management of each business centre, a consensus was formed.  

  Chairman Guo Zi-wen emphasized in particular that faced with harsh market situations, Aoyuan people should face them with an active attitude, and carry out properly the managerial tasks below: well define duties, optimize work flow, raise the efficiency of all tasks; work thoroughly on talent nurturing and setting up systems, pay attention to the growth of personnel, pay attention to see if the incentive mechanism is really effective; try their best to integrate social resources, cooperate with excellent partners to work on the great Aoyuan work; they must stress a compliance culture, all behaviour must conform to the laws and regulations of the state and the systems and regulations.  Chairman Guo at last encouraged everybody that they must overcome all difficulties in the roads ahead, and must achieve the business goals of 2015, realize the foundation of Aoyuan for a hundred years!