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Hot sales of the first round of launching of Yangjiang Aoyuan Central Parkview
  (22 November 2014 - Yangjiang ) Yangjiang Aoyuan Central Parkview, for which a large number of people had been waiting for was launched for sale on 22 November. Given the strong appeal and brand influence, iconic ecological gardens, good construction quality, the project conquered home buyers. Its overwhelming impact swiped the property market, and stirred a "storm of buying Aoyuan properties" in Yangjiang. The shops and high-rises in the first launching was much sought after in the market, and achieved good results in Yangjiang real estate market battle. 

  At 9 am in the morning of that day, 1 hour before the official launching, home buyers who came early were packed in good order at the launching site, and more and more new home buyers came in. The sentiment was high, everyone could not wait to participate in this big event. All personnel in the sales hall nervously and systematically prepared the work busily, in order to offer better home purchase experience to clients. 

  At 10 am sharp, the moderator announced that the first phase of Yangjiang Aoyuan Central Parkview was officially launched for sale, clients clapped hands warmly, the site was extremely heated. Then it came the "purchase battle" session, which further pushed the atmosphere to a climax. 

  The number display method was used to carry out subscription in this launching, the first group of clients to choose properties rushed into the property selection zone to look for the numbers of their ideal properties. The atmosphere in the venue was tense, the personnel guided home buyers to handle the subscription formalities while continuously tore down the numbers of the properties on the sales control log, showing the red words of "sold". The "purchase battle" continued its performance, and the sales control log was gradually full of the eye-catching words of "sold".

  The renowned Aoyuan Central Parkview International Ice Sculpture saw a long queue from the morning to the afternoon, and this "Icy cold" make a sharp contract with the "Hot purchase". The wonderful "northern scenery", "thousand miles of Iceland", "snowflakes over ten thousand miles" made the clients willing to wait for long hours to see and experience the feeling of an icy world in person. 

  Amid the "sluggish" property market in 2014, the hot sales of Aoyuan Central Parkview was an achievement against the trend, such good results were enough to prove that it well deserved the name of "Yangjiang magical property", and once again it made a new record in the property market of Yangjiang with its data of sales concluded.