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"Aoyuan and Device" was awarded "China Famous Trademark"
  (19 November 2014 - Guangzhou) On 16 November, the State Industry and Commerce Administration Trademark Evaluation Committee issued the "Circular on the Approval of 5 Trademarks as Famous Trademarks of Guangdong Apples Industrial Co., Ltd. and Other Companies" of Guangzhou Municipal Industry and Commerce Administration. According to the circular, the State Industry and Commerce Administration Trademark Evaluation Committee approved that the registered trademark of "Aoyuan and device (colour specified)" used by Aoyuan Group Company Limited in goods and services with trademark registration under international classification Class 36 chattel agency, chattel management, rental services of chattel as "China Famous Trademark".

  This approval not only enhances the awareness and core competitiveness of the brand of Aoyuan company, but also shows the brand image and value of intangible assets of Aoyuan Group, as well as interpreting the wide recognition of the culture of Aoyuan Group by all walks of life. It also further benefits the protection of the trademark and intellectual property right of Aoyuan.