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“Quest for Zen” Shaoguan scenic performance cum Aoyuan cultural tourism products press conference

   (1 September 2015 - Guangzhou) On 1 September 2015, “Quest for Zen Shaoguan  scenic performance  cum Aoyuan cultural tourism products press conference” was held in Mandarin Oriental in Guangzhou city, dozens of media from different places of the country, over 200 guests from Guangdong property industry, culture and tourism industry and investor representatives gathered to witness this important moment.  This was the first appearance of composite real estate with cultural tourism in southern China.  The venue was designed in accordance with the aesthetics of Zen, other than display of Zen spirit space and performance about Zen culture and the summit conference of “Quest for Zen Shaoguan”, the ceremony of the commencement of the scenic performance – the Platform Sutra Of Hui Neng (《六祖坛经》) in Shaoguan was also made.


 In this product release conference, on top of the presence of Mr Guo Ziwen, Chairman of the board of China Aoyuan Property Group, Mr Ma Jun, Operation Director of the Group, other guests were invited, including Mr. Mei Shuaiyuan, founder of scenic performance in China, chairman of Shanshui Scenery Culture Co. Ltd., Wen Qinglian, director of Shaoguan City Tourism Board, professor Qian Wenzhong, famous historian and linguist, and Mr Wang Zhigang, famous Chinese strategic consultant.


       After an onsite performance about Zen, Mr. Mei Shuaiyuan, founder of scenic performance in China was the first who delivered his speech.  Mr. Mei Shuaiyuan said he held high expectation about “Quest for Zen Shaoguan” - the first scenic performance in southern China with the theme of Zen, he will combine his past successful experience to join hands with China Aoyuan Property Group to produce a culture product, and contribute to the tourism in Guangdong.


  During the conference, Mr Ma Jun, Operation Director of China Aoyuan Property Group shared the development experience of China Aoyuan Group for the past 20 years and the expansion of strategies of Aoyuan Group in the property business.  Mr Ma Jun stressed the “Shaoguan Lingnan Impression Aoyuan cultural tourism cityproject , that project is the first performance when Aoyuan Group made a strategic transformation into the culture and tourism sector, starting a new model of culture composite real estate of Aoyuan Group , and an exploration of Aoyuan Group  to build a world class culture and tourism complex with a concentration of resources.


  This time,  China Aoyuan Property Group implanted commercial and cultural activities in“ Shaoguan Lingnan Impression Aoyuan cultural tourism city, it uses Zen culture scenic performance as the core of the project, and focuses the impact of the project locally while covering the proximity of Guangdong.  In the future Aoyuan culture and tourism  city will become the first tourist site of tourists coming to Shaoguan, it will provide a world class culture and tourism destination for experiencing by 28 million tourists under an integrated model of culture, tourism, shopping, dining and lodging.  The completion of the project will also improve the living environment, enhance the culture, foster economic development, improve commercial facilities.


  The last guest who delivered his speech was Mr Wen Qinglian, director of Shaoguan City Tourism Board, director Wen said that in recent years the Shaoguan municipal committee, municipal government emphasize tourism development, and set the construction of  a place for state tourism industry as their target, they strongly developed the tourism industry to lead a change in the economic development mode of Shaoguan, fostered the transformation of the tourism industry of Shaoguan, the layout of the Big Tourism in Shaoguan has gained initial scale.  Shaoguan Lingnan Impression Aoyuan cultural tourism city project relies on the historic culture and landscape resources of Shaoguan, it builds a high quality culture and tourism product integrating Zen culture, tourism, commerce and lodging, the completion of this project will enhance the image positioning of Shaoguan city, promote the integrated development of the culture and tourism sectors, enhance the competitiveness of the tourism in the city of  Shaoguan.   


  Subsequently,  Mr. Mei Shuaiyuan,  professor Qian Wenzhong, Mr Wang Zhigang  made a themed debate on Quest for Zen Shaoguan” on the stage, and discussed the “Zen” culture with the media and guests from different perspectives. 


  Zhang Xiaoli, moderator of the debate and deputy manager of Guangdong Aoyuan Cultural Tourism Investment Ltd asked Mei Shuaiyuan “Why it takes so many years for you to consider this project in Guangdong  Shaoguan?” Mei Shuaiyuan  replied that although he had a lot of performances in China, but he was specially interested in Shaoguan.  When he made the performance on Shaolin Temple (Zen Shaolin) in Henan, he even studied the sources of the Sixth Patriarch (六祖).   “I have been thinking that if opportunities pop up, we wil got to Shaoguan, now this finally realizes.  I think that this project is very much a matter of destiny right from the beginning.” Mr. Mei Shuaiyuan  Quest for Zen again, and he also introduces the scenic performance project of  scenic performance Platform Sutra of Hui Neng (《六祖坛经》)  in Guangdong  Shaoguan under the theme of Hui Neng, the Sixth Patriarch – the master of Zen in China, this will bring about in-depth impact on the culture and tourism industries in Guangdong  and the development of their activities.


       During the press conference, the guests made dialogues on Quest for Zen, which also made the participants to feel the relaxing and simple nature of Zen culture.  As Mei Shuaiyuan said, Zen cannot be talked about, but it can be interpreted.  In the near future, audience around the world can witness this Zen show in Shaoguan – something which cannot be talked about, but it can be interpreted, as a Zen feast contributing to the world. 


       At the end of the press conference, the five guest speakers Ma Jun, Operation Director, director Wen Qinglian, Mr. Mei Shuaiyuan, professor Qian Wenzhong, Mr Wang Zhigang jointly lighted up a lotus lantern to officiate the Platform Sutra of Hui Neng (《六祖坛经》)  scenic performance .     China Aoyuan Property Group will cooperate with Shanshui Scenery Culture Co. Ltd. to contribute a feast of Zen in Shaoguan to the world.


   Shaoguan Lingnan Impression Aoyuan cultural tourism city project introduction 


   Shaoguan Lingnan Impression Aoyuan cultural tourism city project is located along the river the Wujiang, in Shaoguan city, the GFA is almost 850,000 sq. m, it possesses a golden coastline of 2.8 km, it is the first work of the strategic transformation to the culture and tourism sector by Aoyuan Group, starting a new model of culture composite real estate of Aoyuan Group , and an exploration of Aoyuan Group  to build a world class culture and tourism complex with a concentration of resources.


   Shaoguan Lingnan Impression Aoyuan cultural tourism city project relies on the historic culture and landscape resources of  Shaoguan, it works with Shanshui Scenery Culture to create the first large scale scenic performance about a Zen story in southern China - Platform Sutra of Hui Neng (“六祖坛经”), they create four commercial themes: Dream castle” “Oriental Hollywood” “ Shaoguan Style” “Romantic Northern Coastline; it is a culture and tourism  city by Aoyuan which integrates tourism and vacation, culture and entertainment, dining and shopping, wedding and video, hotel.



   Shaoguan Lingnan Impression Aoyuan cultural tourism city project contains both the essence of the culture and tourism of northern Guangdong, while offering a video feast to Shaoguan – the place of origin of Zen culture, it will also drive the industry development of culture and tourism of the city of Shaoguan, it will continue (to develop) the functional facilities of tourism for Shaoguan city, and become a “new signature dish” of the tourism domain of Shaoguan”.