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Commercial and residential properties in parallel Strategy works once again, Chongqing Aoyuan Panlong Yihao leading Chongqing market in June

(20 June 2015 – Chongqing)  On 20 June sales of a major commercial project in Jiulongpo - Chongqing Aoyuan Panlong Yihao was officially started under spot light, attracting more than one thousand property buyers in Chongqing to rush in and buy.  On that day the light rail high rise in the commercial ring and the golden stores on the street in the commercial ring were almost sold out within two hours, its turnover ignited a buying spree of properties in the southern city, and became an eye-catching focus of the property market in Chongqing!


 Hundreds of millions of dollars of sales fuelling a buying spree of properties in the southern city.


On 20 morning, well before the commencement of sales, hundreds of property buyers already waited in the venue, the property selection waiting area of over 1000 sq. m. in the sales venue was full.  When the sales were officially started, the property buyers successively entered into the property selection waiting area, many large customers chose a few properties for each of them.   On that day the light rail high rise in the commercial ring and the golden stores on the street in the commercial ring were almost sold out within two hours after the sales were started in the morning, the robust atmosphere of the sales room last till the afternoon, this quickly ignited a buying spree of properties in the southern city, and became an eye-catching focus of the property market in Chongqing.


A business client  on the spot said, “I have been bullish about the district in the new city of Panlong, Chongqing Aoyuan Panlong Yihao is located in the core plot of Jiulongpo district, it is close to Yangjiaping, Daping, its value in terms of district is comparable to the location of Xinpiaofang in relation to Guanyinqiao, its growth potential is large, also I am positive about the quality of the properties and the appropriate prices, besides, the total price of the shops are within an acceptable range, as a commercial engine of the district, I believe Aoyuan Plaza has unlimited growth potential in the future when a large number of residents move in the neighbouring communities.”  Previously, the view that the plot was “the next Yangjiaping in Jiulongpo in the future” was proved by these facts, in the future Jiulongpo will form a commercial ring in the western district with a new look with  Yangjiaping as its centre, and Panlong, Xiejiawan and Daping as tripods!


     High profile moving-in of ten major stores


     This time the great success in sales of Chongqing Aoyuan Panlong Yihao upon sales commencement was associated with the scarcity advantage of the property itself.  As a commercial engine at the heart of the new city of Panlong, not only it meets the lack of consumption places with a large concentration of commercial stores in the new city of Panlong, but also drive the overall upgrade of the commercial ring of that district.


The 600,000 sq. m. of smart landmark integrated complex to be created by  Chongqing Aoyuan Panlong Yihao will serve as the centre of the western city of hundreds of millions of value, it occupies the core plot of the new city of Panlong, and is the first place for spending for a population of one million in the central living district of the commercial ring of Panlong with an area of 3 million sq. m. 


Aoyuan Panlong Yihao occupies the core of the commercial ring of Panlong, it enjoys the “urban golden transport network”.  The well-developed road network of Panlong Road, Caiyun Road, Huoju Road, Chendu Road (陈庹路) vertically and horizontally form the transport hub of the western city of Chongqing, the property is adjacent to the light rail line #2 and line#5 (under planning), 71 roads serve around the proximity of the project, this transport convenience allows people to quickly commute to all parts of the city, it enjoys the coverage of one million population, people flow means signs of fortune, its wealth growth cannot be estimated!


     First cross-border merchandise display and trade centre of Chongqing is opened in Aoyuan Panlong Yihao


     Aoyuan Group was the first company which introduced the cross-border e-commerce platform, integrating the resource advantages of all domains and with the strong support of the government as well as tax (and customs duty) concessions.  Since then, residents of Chongqing will enjoy a huge number of overseas genuine goods at real low prices just a few blocks away.

It is learnt that the first 5000 flagstore in Chongqing will be located  in Chongqing Aoyuan Panlong Yihao, currently it is in the preparation and construction stage, in the future experience stores will be set up in all the projects under Aoyuan.  It is expected that an experience store of over 1000 will be open for the residents of Chongqing in August this year at the earliest.


One super large engine, two large theme plaza: a pre-screen of the future prosperity of  Panlong Yihao


 Chongqing Aoyuan Panlong Yihao is building the “One super large engine, two large theme plaza” – Aoyuan Plaza, fun and trendy zone, dining and entertainment zone. The charm of a rich range of activities have attracted many investors from flagship stores of nationwide chain supermarkets, international restaurants, trendy clothes and accessories, retailers of fine products, star-grade cinema and children educational institutions, SPA, large banquet hall, cultural and innovative cafes and over a hundred professional and trendy stores and restaurants, traditional and international cuisine can be found inside the dining and entertainment zone.


The fun and trendy zone to be built by the project will be based on the international trendy family experience base (model) with a “garden in the air” with several levels, the international gym is the most attractive part, it will be a metropolitan trendy platform integrating children experience, romantic wedding gown, cultural book stores and food for family gathering.  Meanwhile, Aoyuan Plaza together with 10 large brand stores and commercial major players such as Yonghui Supermarket Flagstore (永辉超市旗舰店) will be opened in Aoyuan Panlong Yihao to create a 24-hour urban entertainment and spending site in the western city, and setting a new commercial layout in the west.


Sources said that it is hopeful that new types of properties may be introduced, they will certainly become another hot sales.  As many property owners say, as for property purchase, everything is important.  Aoyuan Property is joining hands with the government to integrate quality resources of the country and build the “turning point” of the city of Jiulongpo for the next golden 10 years with the latest fourth generation of urban complex, as such, the passion for Chongqing Aoyuan Panlong Yihao is a certainty!