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Shenyang Aoyuan Convention Plaza was awarded "2014 China Retail Property Best New Landmark Award"
(28 March 2014 - Shenyang) The China Commercial Property Developer Cooperation Exhibition and the Northern China Shopping Centre Alliance Sixth Retail Property Promotion Conference was held at Maritim Hotel in Shenyang, Mr Li Yuan Fei, Assistant to President of Aoyuan Group, and general manager of Shenyang sub-district company and the related personnel of the business management company of Shenyang Convention Plaza etc were invited to attend this conference.  The Shenyang Aoyuan Convention Plaza project was awarded the "China Retail Property Best New Landmark Award" granted by this conference.  
At the conference, authoritative representatives from different sectors carried out in-depth dialogues in the venue on topics such as "Difficulties and breakthrough in the transformation from department store to shopping mall", "How to achieve transformation and upgrade of the food courts in shopping malls and the avoidance of homogeneous competition", "Optimization and innovation strategies for opening children brand name stores", "Integration and leap forward development of cultural tourism, financial capital and commercial properties" etc, salient comments and suggestions were offered in all aspects ranging from the macro market environment, demand by parties A and B and the problems currently encountered and their solutions etc.
Mr Li Yuan Fei, Assistant to President of Aoyuan Group, and general manager of Shenyang sub-district company was invited by the conference to deliver the opening address and to depict to the attendants from all sectors how Aoyuan Group implement the strategy of developing commercial and residential properties in parallel. In addition, Ms E Danling, Deputy General Manager of the business management company of Aoyuan Commercial Group Shenyang Convention Plaza made an introduction and recommendation of the project on the spot, she analyzed the overall strengths of Aoyuan Group, the competitiveness of the Shenyang project, room for development and growth trend of the Shenyang project etc, and received on behalf of Shenyang Aoyuan Convention Plaza the "China Retail Property Best New Landmark Award" granted by the conference organizer. 
This conference has drawn full attention of the property sector, the society and general public on the commercial projects of Shenyang Aoyuan, and has facilitated the subsequent business invitation and promotion work. Aoyuan Commercial group will introduce its other projects in forthcoming large events in the sector, so that businessmen from all sectors and investors can have an adequate platform to appreciate the strategy of developing commercial and residential properties in parallel and the strengths of the projects of Aoyuan Group in a more profound fashion.