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HomeAuyuan cultureAoyuan Party Building

Establishment of the First Non-public Enterprise Party Committee in Panyu District, Guangzhou City

       In June 2011, Aoyuan set up the Party Committee, the first one inprivate enterprisesof Panyu District, Guangzhou. In December 2012, Aoyuan established its Inspection Committee, the first onein non-public enterprise in Guangzhou. In July 2013, Aoyuan built Party Committee in Panyu Aoyuan Community, the first one in residential community organized by a non-public enterprise in Guangdong. Aoyuan hasmade achievement in terms of party building, constantly stepping towards new stages.
      Since its establishment, the Aoyuan Party Committee has adhered to the CPC’s policies and guidelines and constantly innovated non-public party building. In August 2011, it established the Art Troupe to carry on propaganda activities, while it formed Trade Union Federation in September this year., The temporary party branch were set up at the construction site of Aoyuan Plaza in Luogang and Aoyuan Plaza in Zhuhai in August 2014 and June 2015, respectively.
      Aoyuan has made fruitful achievements in cultivating corporate culture, and community building through the Party’sactivities. Aoyuan Party Committee has successively been awarded honorary titles, including Advanced Primary Party Organization in Non-Public Economic Organization of Guangzhou”, “Advanced Enterprise in Non-Public Party Building in Panyu District” and “Advanced Primary Party Organization of Panyu District”. Inaugural Ceremony of Committee of CPC Aoyuan Group Limited

Establishment of the First Non-public Enterprise Party Committee in Panyu District, Guangzhou City


Establishing the first non-public enterprise discipline inspection committee in Guangzhou

     On 3 December, 2012, the Discipline Inspection Committee of CPC Aoyuan Group Limited was officially founded as the first non-public enterprise discipline inspection committee in Guangzhou. The Committee attaches importance to establishing internal and external control mechanism for anticorruption, thus encouraging employees to achieve their individual value through legitimate channelsand enriching Aoyuab’s corporate spirit of “integrity, responsibility and efficiency”. Inaugural Ceremony of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the CPC Aoyuan Group Limited
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