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  To combat the COVID-19 outbreak rampaged in China in the beginning of 2020, China Aoyuan purchased via many channels more than 1.2 million medical masks and a fair amount of medical ventilators, protective covers, test kits, forehead thermometers, and medical gloves, most of them being donated to the epidemic areas such as Wuhan, Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Zagreb, Croatia. China Aoyuan is recognized as one of the first companies to purchase medical supplies and deliver them to the front line of epidemic area. In addition, China Aoyuan and Aoyuan Charity Foundation also joined the hands of Guangzhou Huacheng Publisher to donate over several thousands of Comic Book of COVID-19 Prevention to 70 middle and primary schools, building a strong guarding wall for students to go back to school. It is awarded “the Vanguard Enterprise of Fighting against COVID 19” .


In 2020, China Aoyuan donated medical supplies procured around the world COVID-19 outbreak areas.


In 2020, the Party Committee of Aoyuan Group and Aoyuan Charity Foundation donated medical ventilators to Wuchang Hospital of Wuhan.


In 2020, China Aoyuan donated protective equipments worth of RMB1 million to Croatia. 

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