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HomeAoyuan ClubCommunity construction


Cultural Construction

With the support of Aoyuan Party Committee, Aoyuan Art Troupe is formed, greatly driving the party building and corporate cultural construction and promoting the development of the Company’s production and operation.
With the brand concept of “Building a healthy lifestyle”, Aoyuan set up the Aoyuan Leyun Club in 2015 to offer such activities as running, walking, badminton, parent-child activity, dancing, charity volunteering and others and to promote the concept of health coming from sports.

Activities Photos


Pursuing for a dream with homeowners
Aoyuan has actively conducted various community activities to enrich homeowners’ spare time. It has designed activities specific to festivals and families with the concept of sports.


The 9th Olympic Games” for Homeowners in 2015



Settlement of China Association of Chinese Medicine’s Fuyang Medical Research Inheritance Base in the Health Hotel in 2014



2013 National Youth Championship for Seven-Person Rugby on Aoyuan Kangwei Plaza


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