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China Aoyuan Capital Investment Group was founded in November 2017 with a registered capital of RMB3 billion. With a commitment to “responsibility, steadiness, profession, efficiency”, it relies on China Aoyuan Group to “promote cooperation with financial institutions”, “create new profit drivers and revenue channels”, and “invest in fine financial assets” so as to build a famous leading asset management platform in South China and beyond, and contribute to the diverse development and long-standing prosperity of China Aoyuan Group.

Given the background of financial industry, Aoyuan set up Capital Investment Group accordingly and embarked on a new journey toward “big property, capital investment, and platform”. Capital Investment Group will create new profit growth drivers and income sources, strengthen cooperation with financial institutions, promote integration of core business with finance so as to bolster the foundation of Aoyuan’s long-standing prosperity.

Capital Investment Group will build up its core competiveness and specific advantages by virtue of its profession in finance, capital management, and team. It will integrate resources in various fields, focus on the most dynamic and promising in China, and seek sound opportunity within risk control so as to create values for investors, partners, and social economy.





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