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HomeImportant notice






Interim injunction order to restrain wilful acts caused disruption


China Aoyuan Group Limited (“China Aoyuan”) has on 18 October 2019 obtained an Interim Injunction Order (“the Injunction Order”) restrains persons from (a) wilfully caused disruption to or interfered with the lawful use of one of our showrooms in Hong Kong; and (b) displaying posters and/or banners containing statements of defamatory nature to China Aoyuan and/or its vice chairman and chief executive.


Any person who neglects to obey or comply with the Injunction Order may be held in contempt of Court and may be sent to prison or fined.

A copy of the relevant Court Document(s) and Order(s) are now posted hereinbelow:-

1. Writ of Summons

2. Injunction Order




[Updated on 25 October 2019]


China Aoyuan has on 25 October 2019 obtained an order for continuation of the Injunction Order.


Any person who neglects to obey or comply with the Injunction Order may be held in contempt of Court and may be sent to prison or fined.

A copy of the relevant Order is now posted hereinbelow:-

Order for continuation of the Injunction Order



 [Updated on 24 April 2020]


China Aoyuan has on 24 April 2020 obtained an order for continuation of the Injunction Order.


Any person who neglects to obey or comply with the Injunction Order may be held in contempt of Court and may be sent to prison or fined.


A copy of the relevant Order is now posted hereinbelow:-


Order for continuation of the Injunction Order



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