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Be Responsible Corporate Citizen

      Aoyuan has never forgotten its mission as a corporate citizen by giving support to public welfare establishments such as local education, sports and charity, while making efforts to create an ideal and healthy habitat. To date, Aoyuan has donated a total of RMB390 million for public welfare undertakings.


Following Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan on 12 May, 2008, Aoyuan made a donation of over RMB3 million to help with earthquake relief efforts. 



In 2012, Mr. Guo Zi Ning, Party Secretary and CEO, donated RMB3.3million to the Panyu Charity Society on behalf of Aoyuan at the Charity Party of Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day & Guangzhou Charity Day. 



In May 2010, Aoyuan made a donation of approximately RMB100 million to Panyu Education Bureau for the construction of Zhongcun Aoyuan School and kindergarten. 



In 2015, Aoyuan made donations for the establishment of a rural clinic in Luxiyaozu Village, Zhanshi Town, Qujiang District, Shaoguan, to support the Tongxinyuan Project co-organized by, Guangdong Branch and Guangdong Tongxinyuan Philanthropic Foundation.





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