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Health and regimen

Aoyuan believes the harmonious and symbiotic relationship between people, city and natureis the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Aoyuan advocates health and regimen concepts, and leads the pursuit of a proactive and healthy lifestyle. In 2011, Nansha Aoyuan Health City, South China’s first high-end health and regimen base, was officially opened. It integrates health management, health care, regimen culture studiesand development and promotion of regimen and health products and is equipped with large health screening center and regimen and health care center.
Meanwhile, Aoyuan has established a strategic partnership with Jiaoling County of Guangdong, the world-famous town for longevity. Fully using rich resources of Jiaoling in term of regimen, Aoyuan has established a high-end regimen base to provide health agricultural products such as cereal and oil, all of which are much welcomed by the market. The health and regimen themed residential projects of Aoyuan have been now widely recognized by the market. The health concept of Aoyuan has led a change in the industrial landscape and ushered in a new era of integrated development of the property sector and the health sector.

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