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HomeAoyuan Clubconstitution
Aoyuan, achieve the ideal life of yours and mine Aoyuan believes that, only with a qualified, healthy and harmonious home, people can reach the achievement of ideal life.

As the unique chain member agency of Aoyuan Property Group, Aoyuan Association targets at promoting harmonic, natural, and positive new living style, proving exclusive personalized services for the home owners and beneficiating the members at the same time. This is in order to strengthen the communication network among the owners, and create a healthy and vibrant living atmosphere for the district.

1、Your Rights

Members of Aoyuan Association are classified into three types, including Ideal Card Member, Ideal Gold Card Member, and Ideal Diamond Card Member. Each type of member will deserve and enjoy their royal membership rights.

(According to the following information, the original members will be automatically transferred to the appropriate level of membership.)

By joining Aoyuan Association, you are welcomed to participate in all activities which are held by the association, such as visiting the new project of Aoyuan and joining the shopping group.

Aoyuan Association membership rights have been upgraded which will benefit you more.

The new released program by Aoyuan Associtaion is value-added business service.

Aoyuan Association membership

With Ideal Card Membership, you can enjoy:

· property purchasing discount

· selective merchant discount

· membership activities

· People who are not the Aoyuan Property owners or the tenants can join the Ideal Card Membership by just signing up at the sales offices.

With Ideal Gold Card Membership, you can enjoy:

· property purchasing discount

· selective merchant discount

· membership activities

· you are invited to the thanks giving evening at the end of the year

· you are invited to the “Olympic Game”of Aoyuan

· The home owners of Aoyuan can be upgraded to Ideal Gold Card Membership once applying.

With Ideal Diamond Card Membership, you can enjoy:

· higher discount on purchasing property

· selective merchant discount

· Ideal Diamond Card Membership activities

· you are invited to the thanks giving evening at the end of the year

· imited edition gifts from Aoyuan Association

· With satisfactions, members with significant contribution to the Aoyuan Group can be upgraded to Ideal Diamond Card Member.

Addition information for members

Level of membership is according to the system database. Any enquires can be formally confirmed with Aoyuan Association.

Aoyuan property owners can directly apply for Ideal Gold Card, with limitation of 2. (Applicant must be the property owner or direct relatives)

Your membership is not valid until the confirmation of your member number. The use of rights of Ideal Gold Card is not valid until all the following procedures have been confirmed; these include subscribing, paying, mortgaging and signing.

The property purchasing discount is only valid for members directly purchase or lease property from Aoyuan Group. Dealing with second-hand house market is out of the discount consideration.

Without additional restrictions, members from all levels can have conjoined discounts from membership and the launching. Group purchasing discount cannot be appled under this condition.

With approval documents before subscription, your direct relatives (including parents, children, and partners) can have the same discount on purchasing property.

The maximum discount for multiple ownerships under one property will base on the highest membership level among the owners.
The membership discount will be invalid if any changes to the ownership of the property. Re-registration for new membership must be applied for further saving.

02、What is more

Aoyuan Association Bussiness Alliance

Aoyuan Association will enhance its advantages and benefit the members by joining force with variety of businesses. Convenient services will be provided such as home decoration, travel agency, education and daily life services. Aoyuan Association is welcomed with any good service recommendations. Note: You must present the Aoyuan Association membership card for any point of identification. Any feedbacks are welcomed.

03、Member Rules

The rules are regulated to all Aoyuan Association members. Any members should not weaken the reputation of Aoyuan Group or Aoyuan Association. Once you are confirmed as a member of Aoyuan Association, you must follow the rules that are stated.


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