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Healthy Aoyuan Riding Fun——2012 Fogang Aoyuan Bicycle Tournament is Held
Date:2012/8/11 0:00:00

(11 August 2012——Fogang)As one of the "Year of Olympics·Love of Aoyuan" owners Olympics series of activities, "Healthy Aoyuan Riding Fun" Bicycle Tournament organized by Fogang Aoyuan opened with passion. On that day, with the coloured flags fluttering, Fogang Aoyuan villas area was swarming with visitors, exhibiting a different atmosphere from ordinary days. The activity attracted a total of more than 160 riders to participate not only from many owners of Fogang Aoyuan, even from a number of clubs in Pearl River Delta region, including Guangzhou, Qingyuan and Shenzhen. Although it was hot, it was dwarfed by the enthusiasm of the participants. Before 9:00 a.m., participants successively came to the competition site for sign in. Each of them looked very valiant and heroic in bearing, itched to have a go, made good preparations prior to competition, adjusted their equipment, checked bicycles and had the last trial ride on the site, waiting for the beginning of the competition. The whole competition was divided into four groups: Experience Team of Local Participants, Women Team, Men Competition Team 1 and Men Competition Team 2. At 10:00 a.m., the competition officially started. First was Men Competition Team 2 with a race of 9 kilometers. Facing the camera lens, the participants were confident. Once the whistle was blown, they rammed down like an arrow from a bow. During the first lap, the distance among participants was not that long, however, there were some participants who gradually lagged behind on the second lap. The final sprint of the participants won the cheer from the spectators, the first climax of the activity. Masters gathered in Men Competition Team 1. At the very beginning of the competition, participants jostled one another on the way, with very small difference in their strength. However, Li Youhai from China motion fleet had a commanding lead from the first lap to the last lap, and won the championship for this competition with absolute advantages. What this event made spectators admire deeply is not only the participants standing on the champion podium, but those participants who lagged behind far and finished the race are worthy of our learning, for the race of Competition Team 1 is as long as 18km, a great challenge to physical strength and endurance. Participants can hold on to the end, are not affected by other leading participants and never give up easily, which is a perfect reflection of the healthy and dynamic life as advocated by Aoyuan. Another eye-catching participant of this activity was Zhang Junjie, little owner of Aoyuan in the Experience Team, who is the youngest participant in the whole competition and is only 14 years old. It is a given that his physical quality is relatively weaker than that of other participants. However, the results of competition were a big shock. Under the circumstances as if he were weak, Zhang Junjie got the good results of No. 4, which attests "little heroes". In the afternoon, participants gathered in the sales centre of Fogang Aoyuan for the grand awarding ceremonies where leaders of Fogang Aoyuan presented certificates and prize money to the winning participants. The competition came to a formal end. Fogang Aoyuan competition site which witnessed this lively event gradually went quiet. However, each spectacular moment and the move to the owners and spectators by this event, the sports spirit of going all out and never giving up, the work spirit of the staff’s dedication to hold the event well and the support of cycling lovers throughout the competition will be left in the memory of all the people present.


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