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Healthy and Happy – The Aolympic Games of Aoyuan
Date:2011/8/28 0:00:00
(August 27, 2011 - Guangzhou) In the morning of August 27, with the theme of "Health·Regimen·Better Future", the Aolympic Games organised by Aoyuan was held in Nansha Aoyuan. Hundreds of owners under different communities of Aoyuan attended this campaign event. The Aolympic Games was a happy party Based on previous success of the Aolympic Games in the past few years, this year"s Aolympic Games gained positive response from community owners once it started. Intensive registration received from a wide range of people, with the oldest from sixties and seventies, and youngest from three to five years old. “We came here in the very early morning, as my grandson urged us to come”, said by Ms. Wu, one of Fogang Aoyuan"s property owners who came with her grandson and nephew o participate in the Games. At the scene, there were many children players and even baby players. People came for the Games not just for winning the prize. They also wanted to get to know the neighbors living in the same community, to narrow the distance and to let their children have a wonderful time through this event. In the Eco-Marathon, hundreds of people ran around the Nansha Jin Ao Park. Breathing the fresh air of native forest, overlooking the mountains with the unique sea view of Guangzhou, you could always feel the healthy and regimen environment of the community that was promoted by Aoyuan. Grandparents really enjoyed their time of “slow running”. Children were attracted to play their own games on the half way. Young participants in the front were competing each other by giving their best shot. At the end, one of the owners of the host – Nansha Aoyuan won the Men"s Eco-Marathon championship. Healthy gathering in the Aolympic Games Badminton Doubles Match championship was competing among two strong competitors, Zhongshan Aoyuan and Qingyuan Aoyuan. Although the competition"s venue was outdoor with scorching sunlight, the competitors had a wonderful performance at a very high competitive level. By an exciting competion, Zhongshan Aoyuan won the championships of Men"s Badminton Doubles Match and Women"s Badminton Doubles Match respectively, and Qingyuan Aoyuan were the Runner-Ups of the Men"s Badminton Doubles Match and Women"s Badminton Doubles Match in the children group. After each competition of the Aolympic Games, participants also participated in health experience activities by visiting the Health City of Aoyuan and had in-person experience of the health and regimen cultural of the community. To share the healthy life quality that advocated by Aoyuan, champions of each competition of the Aolympic Games got free coupon for experiencing the regimen culture of Health City. As an important theme event of "2011 Aoyuan Regimen Year", aims of this Aolympic Games were to build a harmonious community which was rich in cultural life, to promote low-carbon healthy exercises, to stimulate the initiation of the owners for sports and fitness, to bring the physical and mental pleasant and a healthy lifestyle for owners, and to create a healthy and spiritual beliefs. The Games focused on the participation, interaction and fun of the owners of all ages, so that every participant could enjoyed their time at a healthy environment.

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